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Nursery News

Petey's Adult-Baby Pacifier Clip

Saturday 5 April 2014

I've been looking after Adult-Baby Petey today.  It's been a while since I have spent any time in person with one of my babies and I was really looking forward to it.  Sadly however, he was very ill.

Once I arrived I bathed him and put him in a fresh diaper and sleepsuit to help him feel better but by the time we were done he was ready to go back to bed already.

Poor little Petey.

I read him a story and settled him down with his bottle of milk and then we watched cartoons in his bedroom until he fell asleep. The house was already tidy and I didn't think he would be wanting any lunch when he woke so I was left wondering what to do with myself.  Until, that is, I remembered I had a small beading kit in my bag.

Would you like to see what I made for Adult-Baby Petey?

Of course you would! 

It's a pacifier clip and it's beautiful!

My photography skills leave a lot to be desired but the dummy clip itself is sparkly and elegant and made Petey smile very much when he saw it.  He wouldn't let me take a photo of him with it so you'll have to trust me when I tell you that he looks adorable while using it.  He had his choo choo train pacifier and was wearing a matching blue footed sleepsuit and looked uber cute.  

It was really hard to drag myself away when our time together was up but after another diaper change, a small snack and a game or two of 'snap', he was looking very pale again.  So I put him back into bed and promised to wait until he was fast asleep before quietly letting myself out.

Hopefully Petey will get a good nights rest now and will be feeling much better in the morning.  I won't be there to change him when he wakes up but he will have his dummy clip and hopefully smile to himself and feel I am there in some small way because I made it just for him :)

Get well soon Petey.

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