
This site is for those aged 18+ only. If anything on this site offends or upsets you please leave. You are not required to comment, contact me in any way or spread hate before doing so.

Nursery News

Adult Baby Bookings Update

Saturday 4 January 2014

So, I know I am a little late but Happy New Year Everyone!  Here's wishing you all peace, love, joy, happiness and self acceptance throughout 2014.

It's been far, far too long since I updated things here.  First of all I got sick, then I had some serious family problems to contend with and then sadly my health started declining rapidly.  I lost the use of one of my feet which was a big blow to me and knocked me into a bit of a depression.  It took a long time to learn how to walk and move about again and even though some of the feeling and movement in my foot returned it has brought with it an incredible amount of pain and discomfort any time I am walking or moving about for too long.

At one point I thought I was over the worst of it and that I would able to accept bookings again but it seems my other foot didn't want to be left out and has now joined in with the other one's strike.  Sometimes they work and other times they don't.

I haven't had much help nor any answers from doctors thus far so I have decided to play it safe and not push my useless limbs too hard until I know more about what is going on.  This means that for the foreseeable future I will not be accepting Adult Baby Bookings/Adult Baby call outs.

To try and make up for the disappointment this will cause for some of you, I will, from now on, be putting more of my time into this website, Adult Baby/Diaper Lover/Little One's phone calls and Adult Baby/Diaper Lover/Little One's webcam sessions.

If you have any ideas for stories, videos, audio clips or any other content that you would like to see on this site please leave a comment.  It would be lovely to hear from new Adult Babies, Diaper Lovers and Little Ones and have our little family here grow some more.

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