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Nursery News

Big Puppies for Little Adult Babies.

Monday 3 June 2013

Mummy's not well  and sadly it looks like it is going to take me a while to recover fully and get back on top of things here so please be patient with me.

As I'm not up to questions, emails, phone calls or chats, I think it is the perfect time for all my little ones and adult babies to practice their reading.  I have found you all a short story to enjoy.  It's not the best story you will ever read but it is fun...and that's just what the doctor ordered.  Enjoy x.

~ ♥ ~

Fluffy Puppies
by Samer Zayed

In the town of Snaggins, there were a bunch of old people. All the old
people had puppies. The puppies were small and fluffy. These puppies
were special. They can talk. One night on the television the small
old people of Snaggins were watching television. Then a commercial
about a puppy food came on. The food was called “SNUFFLE PUFFS CHOW”.

“Can I have some of that master?” asked Mr. Bo Jangles in a low powerful
sounding kind of way to make him self seem strong.

“Yeah, can we?” added pepper in a soft high pitched voice. All the
people of Snaggins decided to buy this food. They fed their puppies
and the next morning the puppies had grown huge. They were bigger then
the biggest body builder on steroids.

All the “puppies” of Snaggins had assembled a meeting and decided that
they were gonna take over the town now that they were bigger then all
of the humans.

“What are we going to do with the humans?” Pepper asked in her scrawny
high pitched voice.

“We are going to lock them up forever and ever like they did to us in
those cages” said Mr. Bo Jangles, his voice sounding more powerful then

When the dogs returned to their owners they tied them up and took them
to the giant cellar in the middle of town. All the people were worried
about the concert that was supposed to take place in the town
auditorium that day. Endless shrieking was going to play.

Finally when the tour bus with the hit group Endless Shrieking came to
town the dogs tried to capture them too but they played there music
really loud and high pitched (hence their name) and stopped them. The
shrieking sounds of the guitars had triggered a nerve in the puppies'
minds that made them go to sleep. When the small old people of
Snaggins were released from the cellar, they called the “SNUFFLE PUFF
CHOW” company and complained.

The company gave them the reversal potion and all the fluffy puppies
were given away and they decided to get cats instead due to their
freakishly clean ways.


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